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we've all been hungry one time or another, in fact I'm sure in your cabinet right now is: Top ramen, rice and some type of crackers. Am I right? I probably am, but don't worry my cabinet is the exact same. But have you ever asked yourself, why is it like that. The salt content in top ramen is ridiculous http://www.nissinfoods.com/Nutrition/Top%20Ramen%20NF%20Ingredients.pdf. Fortunately for us, Nissin was nice enough to come up with some alternative recipes like this one for example, http://www.nissinfoods.com/Recipe_PDFs/topramen_earthandturf.pdf
I have tried it, and yes it is tasty. Sometimes it is just easier to go ahead and make just a normal bowl of ramen and enjoy its hot flavor; lets face it we're all human.
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